On The World Day of the Poor, Pope has lunch with poor of Rome

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY(REDNA)- Food crisis has affected many poor people all around the world and Italy is not exception to this bitter story. According to the local Catholic charity of Italy, Caritas Italiana, those living in poverty number 5.6 million in Italy, 1.4 million, of whom are children.

Having a day named “The World Day of the Poor” surely is not enough to deal with the problems of poorness including the food insecurity issue, but it at least provides us with the chance to sympathize all those poor people all around the world.

On this day, Pope also hosted 1300 poor people and had lunch with them.

The poor people were assisted by Caritas Rome and the St. Egidio Community for a special lunch on Sunday.

This annual meal is sponsored by Italy’s d’Amico Società di Navigazione.

Offering free health services throughout the week and food parcels distribution among the needy people were the other initiatives on the World Day of Poor took place in Rome Vatican center.



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