Charlie Hebdo offensive cartoons violated freedom of speech defined by West  

The dean of University of Religions and Denomination:

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The offensive caricatures by Charlie Hebdo drew attentions of Islam world to the oppressed-big country of Iran, it`s majesty and power as well than targeting the dignitary of the supreme leader of Islamic Republic of Iran, Great Ayatullah Khamenei.

As “REDNA (Religions News Agency) reported Hojat-Ul-Islam Walmoslemin Seyyed Ab-ul-Hassan Naw`ab, the dean of the University of Religions and Denomination, issuing a statement condemned the    publication of the offensive cartoons to Islamic and national values of the big nation of Iran by French Charlie Hebdo magazine.

“This left-wing magazine, being published in Paris, has long shameful history in mocking Islamists, Islamic values and almost every one as well. The Charile Hebdo once again put the democracy claimed by West under questions and violated the aspects of West-defined democracy.” the statement reads in some parts

This comes as Charlie Hebdo, which has published similarly offensive cartoons about dead child migrants, virus victims, neo-Nazis, popes, Jewish leaders and other public figures, presents itself as an advocate for democracy and free expression.

But it routinely pushes the limits of French hate speech laws with often sexually explicit caricatures that target nearly everyone.

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