Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawwab: Anti-elites socially increased

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – Regarding interaction between elites and societies, the principal of the religions and denominations university said anti-elites socially increased.

Hojat-u-Islam Walmuslemin Dr. Seyyed Abulhassan Nawwab added the majority of the elites agreed with coming inside and serving their people challenge their lives. Some jealous figures have caused the elites obstacles. Elites have not been equipped with what they really deserve.

Speaking at a ceremony, held at the university of religions and denominations, marking the passing away of Dr. Seyyed Abdul Saleh Jafari, a PhD graduated student of religious studies at the University of Religions and Religions, and the second anniversary passing away of Hojjat ul-Islam wal-Muslimin, Dr. Yousef Ghadbani, a member of the university scientific board, Hujjat ul-Islam and Muslims Sayyed Abul Hasan Nawab urged all to be tolerable to elites, those deserve a lot comparing to others.

Dr. Nawwab emphasized ways for elites should be paved, jealous behaviors need to be eliminated and elites need to be given all what they need to push societies forward.

“For Societies to be improved, talents of elites are required. Middle class talents cannot bring prosperity and developments. Elites must be respected and looked at as seniors and pioneers of improvement.” Dr. Seyyed Abulhassan Nawwab said

Dr. Nawwab described Dr. Seyyed Abdul Saleh Jafari as an elite to whom the nation of Kermanshah owned a lot.

The ceremony was attended by the family members of “Dr. Yousef Ghadbani” and “Dr. Seyyed Abdul Saleh Jafari”, the university personnel and students and university lecturers.



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