Parliament of World Religions in America: religion should never be a force for harm

RELIGIOUS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – Thousands at Parliament of World Religions told religion should never be a force for harm.

6,500 people from 95 countries, representing 212 spiritual traditions, are attending the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago this week.

The programme opened with a speech by Rashad Hussain, the US ambassador-at-large for religious freedom, who urged the audience to seek a unity of purpose, not uniformity.

The Religion News Service reports him saying that the Parliament is an example of the way religious communities can help address global challenges.

He said religion can be a powerful force for good all around the and should never be used to harm or oppress people.

The Parliament includes plenary sessions with global religious and civic leaders and multiple fringe events on themes such as climate change, racism and women’s rights.


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