Scotland Muslim SNP leadership candidate: Gay sex is not a sin

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The SNP leadership candidate Humza Yousaf has been quizzed on his views about same sex marriage, which has become a key issue in the leadership campaign.

His rival, Kate Forbes, a member of the “Wee Frees” Free Church of Scotland, provoked a lively debate on the place of personal religious beliefs, after saying she would have voted against same sex marriage on faith grounds, though in a free country, people could do what they wanted.

Humza Yousaf is a Muslim, whose faith tradition is against same sex marriage.

He told Sophy Ridge on Sky news that he would have voted in the Scottish parliament for same sex marriage, but missed the vote because of a meeting.

He said same sex marriage is not inferior to heterosexual marriage and he did not believe that gay sex is a sin.

“I can’t change what is in scripture but what I can tell you is the approach I would take, which is that I will not allow personal faith to be the basis for legislation”.

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