Blackburn clergy condemned violence against Christians in Pakistan

RELIGIOUS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The Diocese of Blackburn says it is deeply troubled by the news of violence against Christians in the east of the country, with the Vicar of St James’ and St Stephens’ condemning the atrocities.

Telegraph reported Rev. Dr Sarah Gill said: “There was a brutal desecration of more than 20 churches, hundreds of bibles burned and the graves of Christians damaged as well.

“We are holiding a vigil at 4pm on Sunday (August 20) and hoping and praying for the peace and for the perpetrators to repent for committing such heinous crimes, causing destruction and division.

Some of the clergy in Blackburn is from Pakistan and there are family links too.

On Thursday, police arrested more than 100 Muslims in overnight raids after a Muslim mob attacked churches and homes of minority Christians, prompting authorities to summon troops to restore order.

The attack by the mob was prompted by the alleged desecration of the Koran by a Christian man.

The burning of the churches (some 20 or more at the last count), houses and Bibles and has resulted in many having to flee their homes in fear of violence.


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