Some church of England leaders addressed Gafcon conference in Rwanda

Split in Anglican communion

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY 9REDNA) – It’s been revealed that key leaders in the Church of England are addressing the Gafcon conference in Rwanda.

Gafcon split away from the Anglican communion in 2008 in opposition to same sex relationships and liberal interpretations of the Bible.

The Rev Richard Moy tweeted that Busola Sodeinde who is a church commissioner, “gave an epic plug for Holy Trinity Brompton”, a large wealthy evangelical charismatic church which started the Alpha course and funds church plants. He went on to reveal that Canon John McGinley, Executive Director of Myriad, a church planting project based within the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication, similarly plugged his project by video.

The revelation provoked criticism from the Rev Dr Charlie Bell who said it was highly questionable that a church commissioner should be encouraging schism.

In reply Sodeinde said she was not ready to let go of the Anglican communion and would fight to maintain unity.

The Rev Lorenzo Fernandez- Smal asked what Canon McGinley was doing there as he received millions of pounds from the CofE for Myriad and had assured people that his work was not undermining the parish ministry of the Church of England.

In reply, John McGinley said no money comes from the CofE for Myriad and the vast majority of work in the Gregory Centre is privately funded, adding that Myriad supports clergy and churches setting up new church plants.


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