Church of England will be forced by MPs to allow same sex marriage

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – A group of MPs are going to force the church of England to allow same sex marriage.

The Times reports that a cross-party group of MPs will propose a bill to force the Church of England to allow same-sex weddings.

Ben Bradshaw, the Labour MP and former culture secretary, will seek leave to bring in the 10-minute rule bill in the Commons on Tuesday, supported by MPs including Harriet Harman, Chris Bryant, Robert Buckland, Dame Margaret Beckett, Sir Peter Bottomley and Hilary Benn.

The Church of England General Synod voted last month to continue to ban same-sex marriage but allow blessings for couples.

This proposal would pave the way for priests to conduct same-sex weddings if they wished, but would not force them to do so.


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