Mosques and Islamic organizations in England improve healthcare for Muslim women

An Islamic mother enjoys raising her daughter at home

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – A new report showed that Muslim women mainly in Asian and African countries have faced inequalities in maternal health services.

Faith Action has issued a report outlining a plan to tackle maternal health inequalities in black and Asian Muslim communities.

It follows an engagement event at Al Madina Mosque in Barking, in partnership with the British Islamic Medical Association, to understand the concerns of Muslim women. Recent statistics published in the BMJ show that women from Asian ethnic backgrounds are twice as likely to die in childbirth, whilst for black women the rate is four times higher.

Other surveys suggest Muslim women face racism and stereotyping, a lack of personalised care and a denial of choice when accessing maternity services.

The report suggests solutions include more training of NHS staff and new partnerships between health care services and mosques.


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