Desecration of the sacred, against all human rights

The dean of University of Religions and Denominations:

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – Regarding the burning of Islam holy book, Quran, and recent desecration of the sacred, Seyyed Ab-ul-Hassan Nwwab, the dean of University of Religions and Denominations said beyond the European`s individuals` planned and continuous foolish offence to Islamic sacred is the West policy-and-culture makers` enmity and hatred.

Issuing a statement, Seyyed Ab-ul-Hassan Nwwab, the dean of University of Religions and Denominations, condemned the recent desecration of the sacred and burning of holy Quran in some European countries.

The exact statement is as below:


In the name of God

We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss

(Surah Al-Isra, verse 82)

Beyond the European`s individuals` planned and continuous foolish offence to Islamic sacred including burning Quran is the West policy-and-culture makers` enmity and hatred. Seeing Islam as the fastest growing religion in Europe and Muslim`s firm faith in Islam and their Islamic values, those western non-religious and anti-religions policy makers` anger is provoked and they have turned red in the face due to failure of secularism to meet the religious need of a modern human.

These assaulting actions, disliked by the majority of western citizens, are against all human rights` criteria and with no doubt have violated both religions and ethics` realm. Muslims have influentially played their active role in European and American communities so having their emotion offended are illegal and unwise by all human principles. Though and ethic systems don’t desecrate any divine and sacred associated to all faiths anymore.

Warning the European countries about uncontrolled consequences of such desecrations, the University of Religions and Denominations condemns these assaulting actions taken place in presence of security organizations in some European countries. We believe such desecration will strengthen Islam rather than weakening Muslims` faith and beliefs.

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