Prayer continues in Gaza’s oldest mosque almost destroyed in air strike

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – Film has emerged of prayer continuing in the ruins of the Great Omar Mosque, in Gaza city, the oldest mosque in Gaza.

The mosque dates back 1400 years, which has been almost totally destroyed by Israeli air strikes.

The mosque’s Imam Aref still recites prayers with a small number of worshippers, who set out their prayer mats among the rubble.

As of 25 January 2024, UNESCO has verified damage to 22 sites in Gaza since war broke out – five religious sites, 10 buildings of historical and/or artistic interest, two depositories of movable cultural property, one monument, one museum and three archaeological sites.

Israel and Palestine warMosques in GazaMuslims praying cetersreligions and politicsreligions in the Worldreligious freedom
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