Vatican: Bishops allowed to withhold same-sex blessings sanctioned by recent document

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The Vatican has clarified that each bishop is free to either adopt or ignore its recommendation for “spontaneous” blessings of people in a same-sex relationship.

Fox News reported cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect for the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) and author of the controverstial Fiducia Supplicans, told Spanish news outlet ABC that bishops must make a “discernment” for themselves whether to implement the sanctioned blessings.

Fernández affirmed that the guidance does not diverge from traditional Catholic doctrine, saying “if the text is read with an even disposition, it can be seen that it supports with great clarity and simplicity the perennial Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality,” according to translations from Catholic News Agency.

However, Fernández expressed understanding that in many contexts a blessing could be misunderstood or overly scrutinized, causing confusion or scandal.

Speaking of African bishops who have rejected the idea of ever blessing a person in an open homosexual relationship, Fernández expressed sympathy that in many countries “there is legislation that penalizes with prison the mere fact of declaring oneself to be gay, imagine [what a] a blessing [would do],” according to CNA.

The prefect added that “it’s proper for each local bishop to make that discernment in his diocese or in any case, to give further guidance.”

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