Muslim scholars in Britain appeal again for immediate ceasefire

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – More than 100 British Muslim scholars have re-iterated their call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the delivery of life-saving supplies.

Shaykhs, Imams, professors and community leaders say the international community must not be “bystanders continuing to watch the massacre of innocent Palestinians”.

They express particular concern for children, with one child killed for every ten minutes of the military attack.

They emphatically reaffirmed that the civilians of Gaza must not be subjected to mass brutal killings, and Israel must adhere to international humanitarian law”.

They say that until the underlying issue of the occupation of Palestine is permanently resolved through political and diplomatic means, they fear more violence and destruction.

They appeal to their local communities to join in the pursuit of peace and justice for Palestinians


Islam in BritainIsrael accupationPalestine and Israel warreligions and politicswars and civilians casultieswars and human rights
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