Angelina Jolie: Anything that can prevent civilian casualties in Gaza to be done

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – Jon Voight has condemned his daughter, Angelina Jolie’s criticism of Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza and her calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

In a video, Voight said: “I’m very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God’s honour. God’s truths.”

“This is about destroying the history of God’s land, the Holy Land. The Land of the Jews. This is justice for God’s children of the Holy Land. The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people. This is war. It’s not going to be what the left thinks, it can’t be civil now,” he continued.

Refuting claims that innocent Palestinian children are being killed by Israel, he said: “The lie that Israel is killing innocent people, when all have free will to go but they are prisoners of the barbaric country who use them as shields.” While failing to mention the 17-year-long Israeli siege on Gaza that means none of its residents have had freedom to travel, or that all crossings between Gaza and Israel and Egypt have been closed since 7 October when Israel launched its bombing campaign, thus rendering the whole population trapped in the enclave.

“Israel was attacked…and you fools are calling Israel the problem,” he continued, urging people to ask questions because “the ones who understand truth see the lie.”

“The Palestinians have not been neglected of finance, they have been given huge infusions of money which they didn’t share with the people, they made weapons instead for their rage,” he said while ignoring the 65 per cent poverty rate as a result of Israel’s policies in the Strip, in particular its control of Gaza’s economy, imports, exports and fishing waters.

Voight’s statement is in complete contrast to that of his daughter who said: “What happened in Israel is an act of terror. But that cannot justify the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go, no access to food or water, no possibility of evacuation, and no not even the basic human rights to cross a border to seek refuge.”

She went on to call for “anything that can prevent civilian casualties and save lives” to be done.

Middle East Monitor


art and policyArt and religionsholy landIsrael and Palestine warJews and Muslims
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