Saudi Arabia: targeting civilians in Gaza by Israel a “heinous crime

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA)- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stressed to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that the kingdom considered targeting civilians in Gaza “a heinous crime and a brutal attack.

Meeting with Sunak in Riyadh on Thursday, bin Salman agreed that the loss of innocent lives in Israel and Gaza over the last two weeks has been horrific.

In contrast, a few hours prior, Sunak, had assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel that he was confident his country was “taking every precaution to avoid harming civilians.”

A spokesman for Sunak, who is in a two-day trip to the Middle East said they underscored the need to avoid any further escalation in the region and agreed to coordinate action on this front.

The Prime Minister and Crown Prince agreed on the pressing need for humanitarian access into Gaza to provide vital water, food, and medicine.

Sunak also outlined the steps the UK has taken to address the increasingly urgent humanitarian situation, including announcing an additional £10 million in aid.

The Prime Minister encouraged the Crown Prince to use Saudi’s leadership in the region to support stability, both now and in the long-term.
More broadly, the Prime Minister and Crown Prince looked forward to working together to advance areas of shared interest for the UK and Saudi Arabia, including on upholding regional security.

Earlier yesterday, Sunak was in Israel, and met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog.

After their meeting, the pair held a brief news conference, in which Netanyahu thanked Sunak for his support.

Netanyahu said the current situation will be “a long war”, and Israel will “need” the UK’s “continual support”.

Sunak said he was “proud” to stand with Israel in its “darkest hour”.

Sunak said he welcomed the opening of a humanitarian corridor into Gaza.

3,785 Palestinians have been killed, including 1,524 children, 12,400 injured in Israeli targeted strikes in Gaza Strip according to Health Ministry.

According to the Israeli army, 1,400 Israelis have been killed inluding 302 soldiers by military wing of Hamas, Izz al-Din al-Qassam.


Al-Aqsa Mosquehumanitarian aidsIslamophobiaJewish communityPalestine and Israel warReligions in the UK
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