Egypt summons Swedish envoy over Quran burning

RELIGIOUS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The Egyptian foreign ministry has summoned Sweden’s envoy over protests in Stockholm that desecrated the Quran, Cairo said on Tuesday.

New Arab reported it added to a wave of diplomatic condemnations across the Muslim world.

The chargé d’affaires at the Swedish embassy in Cairo was informed “of the Egyptian government and people’s complete rejection of the unfortunate, repeated incidents of copies of the holy Quran being burnt or desecrated in Sweden”, an Egyptian foreign ministry statement said.

Egypt has publicly condemned recent incidents in the Swedish capital where copies of the Muslim holy text were burnt or stamped on, warning of “escalating Islamophobia and hate crimes”.

Last month, Sweden-based Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika burnt pages of the Quran outside Stockholm’s main mosque.


anti-Islam actionsIslamophobiaQuran burningreligions in Egypt
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