Uganda bill makes same sex activities punishable by death/ Wales church opposed

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, is writing to his counterpart in Uganda in protest at a bill which will make homosexual acts punishable by death.

He said the bill is “profoundly disturbing and utterly UnChristlike”.

All but two of the 389 MPs voted in favour of the new law which introduces death or life imprisonment for gay sex and “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex activities.

The Anglican church in Nigeria has been consistently against same sex marriage and is aligned to GAFCON, the alternative conservative Anglican global group.

This week the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, was filmed at a public meeting where MPs spoke in favour of the bill.


christianity and same sex marriagesChristianity in Africachurches and same sex marriages
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