A website created by Church of England to increase public awareness about Christianity

RELIGIONS NEWS AGENCY (REDNA) – A new website called “Seen and Unseen” created by church of England launched to give a Christian take on the world.

The new website offers “Christian perspectives on just about everything”.

Produced by the newly created Centre for Cultural Witness, based at Lambeth Palace, the website contains comment, reviews, articles and explainers on subjects related to Christianity.

It says its aim is to make the Christian faith better understood in public. Launch articles include contributions from well known academics, clerics and other writers, ranging from why creeds are dull, to a Christian take on the sitcom Friends.

The centre’s director is Graham Tomlin, President of St Mellitus College and former Bishop of Kensington.

He explains: “Our aim is not to debate with those who don’t share our faith as to who can prove their case, but to do our best to describe the world as Christians (of many kinds and perspectives) see it”.

The project is funded by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Charitable Fund and the McDonald Agape Foundation, an American organisation whose founder worked at McKinseys and in the White House. The initial four-year plan is costing more than £1m.

Christianity communityChurch of Englandmedia and religions
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